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Ана Легцевич / Ana Legcevic

Кофе и сигареты в Лондоне / De Cafea si Tigara de la Londra

2012, 02'35"

Хорватия / Словения 

Croatia / Slovenia 

Born in Zagreb (1984), she studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD) of the University of Ljubljana. Her work involves conceptual art, installation and painting. The main elements of her works are pure format and constant repetition of visual constituent parts, combining concepts and their visual realizations. In addition to her independent practice, she has been working as a member of the artistic group AS since 2014. 

Exhibitions: Situation Dogville, DUM Project space, Ljubljana; Maps, Media Nox, Maribor, 3rd Triennial of Young Artists Premiere 2015, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje; This is Not a Love Song, Miklova hiša Gallery, Ribnica; Transform, Constantin Brancusi Gallery, Bucharest; On Time, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana. In 2014 she received an AFAD award for her work Counting/smoking. She was nominated for The OHO group Award 2015. She Lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Video footage was taken accidentally while I was having coffee with my friend in London. I find it interesting even though it is really bad. Not just the footage, but the editing is bad as well.

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Ugly designed by Andrey Slaschilin 2016–2024

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